UX Design


Safespace is a mobile mental health application start-up created by a team of UC Berkeley students that allows incoming students that are struggling mentally to connect with other students in the same position. We created this application in order to help struggling students know that they are not alone and help them build a support network. This application won 1st place in the Big Ideas contest at Berkeley granting us $13,000 in funding. As the application designer, I took our conceptual idea of the application and turned it into a wireframe prototype. Additionally, I did extensive branding work for the application, including designing the logo, color scheme and typography.

"Safespace" application flow
Safespace app flow
"Safespace" logo
Safespace logo


Soundscape is a mobile application (with Android Watch capabilities) that allows travelers to record audio notes as they explore new areas. Travelers can record audio notes as 'Public' allowing other travelers to listen to them if they stumble across the same location, or as 'Private', allowing the user to save the note for journaling or personal use.

Project poster for the App, Soundscape
Soundscape App project poster
Personas for Soundscape

UX research and testing

As a UX research apprentice with the Social Apps Lab at CITRIS, I worked on AppCivist, an application intended to allow community members to collaboratively work on policy proposals and bring democracy to the people. My colleague and I developed use case scenarios, testing protocols and performed user tests. Please check out a sample of our work:

AppCivist Use Case Storyboard

Website work

Phoenix Insights is a strategic consulting company. I performed a complete redesign or their website in order to make it more user-friendly and visually pleasing. Please check out the new site below:

Phoenix Insights Remastered

Here's a snapshot of the old site:

Phoenix Insights remodeling
Phoenix Insights old home page